July 12, 2011

Is it really...

... already July 12th?!  Where has the summer gone?  The Demon's last surgery is next week!  I can't believe it!!  We're super excited about this surgery.  The feeling of doom and dread is gone and we're ready to move on with our lives.  Our hope is that once he's connected everything will work beautifully.  We're praying for no (or very few) accidents and we'll be able to thoroughly enjoy the rest of the summer.  We have not been swimming!  (well he has a couple times with his dad..)  My pool is still not open!  I cringe to think what that SOB looks like under the cover.

By the time we get home from the hospital we should have 1 solid month left of summer fun.  We all want to spend a couple days at the waterpark!  Probably I should work on some sort of tan.. or else I'll be hating life when the day comes for Boomerang Bay.  With the way my life has been it would not surprise me to get fried on our first trip out there and spend the last few weeks of summer in a blistered/peeling mess.  I need to prevent that from happening.  :)

We've not done much of anything this summer.  We've been to Kings Island a handful of times which is always a fun time.  We saw the Big Bugs!  But currently, it's TOO hot to think about doing anything other than sit in the wonderful air conditioned house.  (unless you're my Grannie and insist on sitting in her 80 degree sauna of a house)  I hope to make up for the boring start with a lot of fun in August.

Speaking of Grannie... her first night home from the hospital was drama and stress free. (minus a little back porch sitting in 95+ degree heat advisory weather with no windows open and refusing to use a walker causing me to break down for hours upon returning home...).  The agency that came out to evaluate her needs has agreed on sending someone out 3 times a week to help with showering.  A relief!!!!  The Beast has offered to come down weekly to help her clean and do laundry.  A relief!!!  I can't tell you how great it helps my mental status to know she is being helped and I can focus on my Momma and the Demon.  I hope this is just what she needs to help her relax and accept the fact that she does need the help and will be happy to receive it! 

I know, I know.. 2 blog entries with no pictures?!  I will have to snap out of this funk and start clickin' the camera again.  If not, I'm sure I can find some random lunacy that the boys have taken and use them to entertain the masses here. 


  1. Praying for a fast recovery for Kane!!

  2. Sounds like an improvement!! At least a little! Can't wait for Kane to be healed and finished with this crap..(no pun intended) :))
