July 1, 2011

5 Things I can't do.

Yesterday this was a trending topic on Twitter and so I thought and thought...

I can't do a lot of things but when I had to actually sit and think of 5 specific (realistic - not crap like flying an airplane) things it was more difficult than I had imagined!  Sooooo... here goes. (start time of this blog 10:30)

1- Whistle.  I can make some sort of high pitched screeching sound.. but that's it.  No other pitch at all so I don't consider it a valid whistle.  Why is it so hard for me to grasp?  Is my tongue the problem?  Is it the way I blow?  As I think about this, I am wondering if my mom can whistle... I know my grandpa used to whistle, LOUDLY, for us to come home for dinner.  The Demon can whistle really well.  Can this skill be taught?

2- Cook a Thanksgiving turkey.  Uh,.. after 3 years of trying to feed the family Thanksgiving dinner I think it's safe to assume I cannot do it.  Each year it's undercooked no matter how much planning goes into the bird.  No matter that I give it more time each freakin' year.  Whether he likes it or not After last year, I've given up and passed the responsibility of cooking the bird onto my brother. 

3-Write in a straight line.  Can anyone do that without ruled paper?  Christmas cards always look crappy if I add little notes inside.  Growing up, all of my projects had faint lines that I had to add with a ruler. 

4- Drive a manual vehicle.  My mom could.  I never wanted to learn.  By the time I was old enough to drive my mom also couldn't teach me because her MS had progressed and she was unable to drive a stick shift anymore.  I assume my grandpa knew how but he always had manual cars.  Probably it's something I should learn?  What if there was an emergency and the only available vehicle around me happened to be a stick shift!!??  I'd be screwed.

5- Raise one eyebrow at a time.  No matter how hard I focus, it's impossible for me to do this.  Grrr.  I hate wanting to do something and not being able to do so.  The Demon can!  He must have inherited that skill from his dad.  Is it muscle control?  This is similar to whistling for me as  I'd love to be able to do this and can't.  Is it learn-able?  Can someone teach me how to look all sexy like with one eyebrow up and the other relaxed??

(end time - 11:23)

With minimal interruptions this blog took a very long time to write.  Have you ever thought about random, realistic things that you can't do?  It's harder than you think!  

Enjoy the long weekend and be safe this July 4th!

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