June 29, 2011

WWYD Wednesday ?

For quite a few weeks there has been a man that walks up and down the street rummaging through all of the garbage cans.  The first time I saw him out there I was caught off guard.  I was making a late night CVS run and as I walked around my Jeep he says "Hey, how you doing?"  Uh... huh?  Who the hell are you and why the hell are you going through my garbage?!  So what do I say?  "Hey."  ... then quickly get into the Jeep and speed away.  

After walking out my front door and ending up practically face to face with this guy.. for the following weeks I made sure to hold off taking the cans to the curb until the morning of pick up.  Only once were we later than the garbage truck, which was a kick in the teeth.. but it all worked out.  Since the start of Summer, I've had to take the can out the night before because I go into work later than during the school year.  Last night, as I'm sitting in the living room minding my own business I start to hear noises out front.  As soon as I hit mute on the TV I know wtf is going on.  He's baaaaaaack.

But.. it's not the normal lifting and slamming of garbage can lids.  It's BANGING.  Loud banging across the street.  The neighbors are moving and are getting rid of a mattress/box spring set.  This dude was literally banging the hell out of something.  Could it be for wood?  from the box spring?  I had turned out all the lights and the TV off and was just watching.  Watching and praying this dude would hurry up and be DONE and move on down the street.  

At the beginning of all of this I felt sorry for him.  I felt sorry for a grown man pushing a cart up and down the street going through garbage.  I don't know what he's looking for.  Food?  Cans?  My credit card statement?  After last night, I've moved beyond sadness and pity to straight up pissed off.  It was after 11pm and he's out there making so much noise.  I have NO idea wtf my neighbors were doing..but it wasn't looking out their windows at the ruckus!  I was thiiiiiiisssss  close to calling the police and asking if there is something that can be done to stop this.  But then.. I felt bad again.

So - WWYD?


  1. I would prob call the police. He has done enough. It's not like he is driving around to look, he is walking and digging around. You can't trust people anymore.

  2. At that time of night and with that kind of noise, I'd call the police.

  3. I would call the police. If anything he is violating noise ordinances, and since the garbage cans are still on your property he is technically trespassing.

  4. I really regret not calling the police last night. That may have been the perfect time to take some action!

  5. I would feel bad for him too, Casey. BUT I would call the police. Maybe if you explain the situation to them, tell them how long its been going on and that you feel bad for him...maybe they could help him find better resources than sorting through trash. Homeless shelters,church food banks, something like that? I don't know what exactly is out there but I wouldn't want a strange going through my trash.
