June 15, 2011

It's been a week!?

We've been home for a week!  It doesn't seem that long already.  It did take me 4 days to get the house back in order.  The grass was neglected for almost 3 weeks.  The laundry was piling up and the poor cats and their litter boxes!  Now, it hadn't been 2 weeks since they'd been cleaned (I didn't have flies circling the house) but it had been 3 days!  That is way too long for 2 cats.  Actually, 3 days is too long for just 1 cat.  :)  

Since being home the Demon hasn't had much time to rest.  The Beast stayed with us the first 4 days he was home and last night we went to Kings Island!  He actually rode a few rides and was able to walk around the park the rest of the time.... not once complaining.

This afternoon we see the surgeon for the follow up appointment.  Since being released, I have been inserting a catheter into his stoma due to inflammation in his intestines. It's not been an easy task.  For the most part, he does the work but recently I've been helping get it started.  We are both hoping that after this visit we only have to do this as needed, not the required 2-3 times a day.  The only other snag we've run into is his poor skin, right around his stoma is breaking down.  It's one of the things that was a big problem for him when he was a baby with his ileostomy too.  I was expecting some break down.. just not this soon!  I was also hoping for better luck with the bags adhering (and staying put) on his skin than years ago.  Not having much luck there either.  I don't know if it's existing scars that are causing the issue or WHAT, but it's very frustrating... for both of us.  On the bright side, we've had no blow out messes resulting from the bag coming loose.  

I've been neglecting my blog.  I need to get back to regularly posting..especially with it being summertime!  I want to post pictures of outings, the pool opening mishaps (well, once I actually get it uncovered and opened..), and just generally getting back to a happy routine.  I miss that.  I miss this.

The weight loss stalled while being in the hospital.  I started fresh on cycle 1 of the 17 day diet and am hoping to jump right back on the wagon of weight loss.  I just gotta get motivated to get moving again.  I think Just Dance 2 is calling my name tonight!!  (so long as I can stay away from the couch and that heavenly nap)

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