May 9, 2011

another 17 days..

today is the demon's physical.  just one more reminder that the day of the surgery is closer.  most everyone is excited and ready.  17 days to go.  17 days?  i've been doing my 17 day diet for 15 days, today.  it doesn't seem that long. probably, i should be making a list of what i need to do/get before his surgery.  instead, i'm doing what i can to not think about it.

that's how i deal with any problem i have.  just don't think about it.  don't think about the massive amount of credit card debt i have.  i don't think about the fact that without my mom, i'd have no where to live. i don't think about the fact that i am going to retire my hygiene license..furthering the whole "no money" situation & letting a whole bunch of people down.  i don't think about the fact that in 3 years the demon is going to be entering high school and i have no idea how or where that is going to happen.  i don't think about the fact that my gma's memory is so bad that she is now having problems taking her medication.

if i don't think about it - maybe it's really not there.


  1. Awww babe, I am so sorry that you have all this on your shoulders. I don't think you should retire your license if you don't have to. It would be nice to have that to fall back on if something ever happened and you needed to find another job(knock on wood nothing like that is ever needed). As far as the other things that are down the road, don't stress about those. Things have a way of working out. Take it one day at a time and one problem at a time and lean on your friends and family for anything you need. You know we <3 you so much and would do anything to help :)
    Love ya girl, hang in there :)

  2. It's costing me $$ each year to keep my license. As it is now, I'd have to take classes to get back into an office. I may as well retire it, and if I ever choose to go back to dental I can apply to have it reinstated and take the classes.
