February 21, 2011

.. sure is quiet.

"it's lonely here without grandma"

The move went surprisingly smooth.  Well, except for the fact that we could not get my Momma up the front porch steps over at Grannies.  Nothing my brother and I could figure out was going to get her up into the  house.  Thankfully, a neighbor (one that we've never talked to) happened to be looking out his window and offered to help.   He saved us.

Now, we're on the hunt for a portable ramp. (and a new wheelchair - long story)

The plan is now for me to my Momma's room.  I have had a bedroom in the basement since high school.  Yet since high school, I've  chosen to sleep on the couch for the majority of the time.  It's so weird to think of me going up in her room.  It's not something I'm rushing to do....

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