February 17, 2011

Poor, poor Tookie...

On Tuesday we were on our way home from the hospital.  The Demon had to have blood drawn and while we were leaving my cell phone rang.  It was my Momma concerned about the dog!  So, instead of stopping for dinner I rush home to see what is wrong with him.  Normally, when anyone walks into the house he goes crazy.  Whining, barking, tail going nuts, his whole back end going back and forth!  When we let him out of his cage, usually, he darts for he back door to head outside. 

But on Tuesday?  He very gingerly walked to the back door.  No whimpering.  Not much tail wagging.  And certainly no running.  What was wrong!?  At 3 pm he was fine.. by 4 pm he was in obvious pain.  Did he eat something?  When he came inside instead of tearing through the house and jumping on anyone he could, he slowly walked to my feet and laid down.  He was panting and shaking.

Off to the vet we go! 

Diagnosis?  A sprained back.

Treatment?  Total cage rest for 2 weeks, anti-inflammatories, no running, no jumping, no excitement, and he only goes outside on a leash.

Truck's normal cage is fairly big.  It's big enough for him to stretch out while he lays and he can turn around easily.  The vet recommended that we go to a smaller cage.  Well, we tried and poor Tookie couldn't even stand up without hitting his head!  So.. we use his normal cage and hope that he spends the majority of his time sleeping.

However, Spike likes the smaller cage.

There are times when Truck perks up..

But.. for the most part this is how he has spent the last couple days..

If he is better in 2 weeks he should be able to avoid surgery.  If not... well - I don't want to think about the if nots.  He will get better.

1 comment:

  1. poor woofie:( sending positive thoughts your way. He'll get better!!
    (devil cat in the cage is pretty funnny though)
