February 7, 2011

I can't...

... lose weight if I don't have the chance to get up and move!  At the beginning of last week I was not feeling well.  By Wednesday, I was dancing again.  However, the events of Thursday threw a huge kink in our lives.  I was at the hospital with Grannie until 7pm.  I had to clean her bathroom...until 8pm.  I hadn't eaten anything all day except for my Slimfast shake for breakfast.  By the time I sat down for the night, I ate some cold McDonald's chicken McNuggets.  Blaaaaaaaah!

Friday I had to visit Grannie in the hospital.  She spent an extra night so it was a late dinner for us.  Of course, it was a drive thru dinner.  Eating late = not dancing.  I suppose falling asleep in the recliner also had a lot to do with not dancing Friday evening.

Saturday weigh in?  I was exactly the same.  THANKFULLY, there was no gain after the hellacious week I had.  Now that Grannie is home.. it's time to get back to bid'ness.

I miss dancing.

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