January 10, 2011

To dance or not to dance...

I just want to say this sucks.

I finally find something I really enjoy doing and it seems to be hurting me.  I know, I know.. moderation is key.  Maybe I shouldn't do 2 hours of dancing every night.  Maybe I shouldn't push myself to try to achieve the high scores.  I mean, who really cares?  It's just a stupid wii game... but I am really good at it - and lately, I have felt like I'm failing at a lot of things life has thrown at me.

Dancing makes me happy.

The fact that I've lost 4lbs from dancing makes me more than happy.

I woke up yesterday morning and I was in serious pain!  My right elbow hurt so bad.  I know it is sore from dancing so much.  With the game, arm movements are key to a great score.  I really focus on moving and locking my arms properly, to get that coveted high score.  I knew I needed to rest Sunday.  I knew that my elbow was only going to keep getting worse if I pushed myself.  So, my plan was - to get a brace, ice it and take some ibuprofen and get back to dancin' on Monday.

I did get a brace.

I bought a brand new ice pack and iced it...(I hate icing injury).

I took ibuprofen (totally shouldn't be taking ibuprofen because of my stomach...).

My elbow was feeling better!  Although, I felt like a failure.  I wanted to dance.

I thought to myself - "okay, I will dance but wear my brace... that's a good compromise!"

Wtf was I thinking?  That damn brace cramped my dancing style which in turn REALLY hurts any chance at achieving the high scores.  So what do I do?  I took that damn brace off within the first 5 mins and enjoyed myself!  I did limit myself to just 30 minutes...but.. mentally, I felt better.  I felt like I actually accomplished something.

I was happy.

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