December 16, 2010


Yes.  Today is a snow day.  No. I don't feel like taking pictures.  Again, I am having sleep issues.  Over the past 3 days I've had 12 hours of sleep.. 4 hours a night.  Last night was no different.  I was up early this morning to shower and shovel the walk.  I don't feel like breaking out the camera and snapping memories of today.  Yeah, I know... I'm lame.

Here... you want a picture?  This is what the Demon normally does on snow days.

Now, you may be asking yourselves...why!?  Why get up and shovel??!  Well, if I don't, no one else will.   If I don't, my Grannie will attempt to walk over here (she lives next door) through the yards covered in snow.  We don't want that going down or she'll be going down.. on her Grannie butt on the hard ground.   And, that never ends happily.   Thankfully, the salt that I covered the sidewalk in on Monday (first significant snow of the season) was still there and shoveling this morning was a piece of cake!  Thank God, because my hip can't take too much.  The Demon also helps, and he helps big! 

So now, it is almost 10:00 am and I'm snuggled up under my new electric blanket (that I bought for work because it's so freak frackin' cold there) drinking a hot chocolate as the Demon sits next to me playing on his keyboard practicing Christmas songs.  Again, I thank God he is using his headphones and I get to enjoy Family Feud reruns while I blog. 

Wait, he's using his's quiet in here.. I'm all snuggly and warm... it's naptime.  :)

Enjoy the snow!

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