December 21, 2010

What is with me?

Hmmm... this is supposed to be the most happiest time of the year?  Now, don't get me wrong.  I'm a very negative, glass is half empty, bitter, *sour* person.  I like that about me.  In fact, I love that about me.  BUT, I'm happy being that way.  It's who I've always been.  And, even though I am an overall miserable person (lol) I am happy with that.  I can laugh and continue to joke around.  I make others laugh.  Lately, I've been in a funk.   

I am sure I do an excellent job hiding it from everyone around me...

But really, I'm not happy.  I don't know why? 

  • I was able to save up cash this year and didn't have to charge all of the gifts this year for Christmas. 
  • Everyone seems to be healthy for the end of the year.
  • I have a job and I honestly don't hate coming into work everyday.
  • I have one of the best bosses in the world.
  • I have an amazing group of friends (even though I rarely see them IRL).
  • I love winter.. so I know it's not seasonal.

(I did just have to drop down a big chunk of change for a new dryer - but the funk has been here for a couple weeks)

So why in the hell am I in such a funk?

I wish I knew...

So, I apologize to anyone that I come in contact with and I may offend.  Know that I am in a super bad mood and I do all I can to cover that up.. but sometimes I suck at pretending.

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