December 20, 2010

Have you ever cuddled a tiger?

Bullwinkle 1982

Me!!!  I have!!!  I have been dying to show off old pictures.  Since I splurged on a scanner (not really, it was $28) I have now uploaded some of the most kick ass pictures you will see today.  Maybe even for the week.

Be jealous!!

Ellie cuddling, 1981

(ignore my brother's face.. apparently I enjoyed gouging his face off :) )

roarrrr Ellie wants to eat my brother!  1981

Ellie, Christmas 1981

Ohhh, Josh.. your jacket.. LOL 

Rocky & Bullwinkle, 1982
really... wtf is up with my shoes!?

Cuddle time with Bullwinkle, 1982

Not only did we have tigers, we had a lion thrown into the mix.

unfortunatly, I don't remember the name or year?

Finally, we loved having monkeys too.
My Momma holding Ewok, 1983  Ring Tailed Lemur

Marmaduke, 1985 - Golden Lion Tamarin

 Yeah, don't think I'm still not traumatized by my damn hair cuts. :\

My Momma worked at Kings Island in their Wild Animal Habitat.  As baby animals were born, some required more attention and were sent home with my Momma to be hand raised for a few months.  We were very lucky to have the experience growing up.
My Momma sitting on Andy, 1974 - Wild Animal Habitat

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