November 9, 2010

In a perfect world...

... my mom could walk.
... the Demon would have a regular trip to the bathroom each time.
... my Grannie would realize she can't do everything she used to be able to.
... I'd be able to afford a vacation.
... I'd actually be able to take a vacation.
... I'd have more patience.
... I'd be working in a dental office making triple what I make now.
... with health insurance.
... I wouldn't have plaster falling off my walls of my house.
... my damn CD would come out of my car radio.
... I could eat what I want without exercising and not be a fat ass.

I was having a - feel sorry for my life - bad day last Friday.  A lot of it had to do with looking around on Facebook.  I happened upon some of my former high school classmate's Facebook pages.  Wow.  To say that I was jealous of the happy pictures and beautiful houses and families.. would be an understatement.

I shot my brother a text - something along the lines of ... "Do you ever wish you had a different life?"  Of course, he had no idea WTF I was talking about.. and at the time, I was feeling really sad.  He asked why I was asking?   Then as I replied to him I actually started to tear up??!!  WTF is wrong with me?  LOL  I am not a cryer.  I am OK with the lousy life that I have.  Mostly because I know it could always be worse.  

I hate living my life with that thinking.  Eh, my life sucks but it could always be worse.  That's an awful way to live.  I want to be happy with my life.  The life that I have been dealt.  

My mom has always been such a happy person.  Maybe I should pick through her bag of pills and find the happy ones.  Then take start taking them.

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