November 10, 2010

Dear M,

Why did you tell me that Santa isn't real.  Especially this year because he could have gotten given me a laptop or should I say you, could have written Santa on it.  But NO!  Now I know who wrote me all of those fake Santa letters that said "You have been a very good boy."  And  "Keep getting good grades."  And it was always lying.  Do you remember that stupid website we went on that showed me where he was and when he was coming to my house?  Yeah, that one. :|  Now I can't be like, Woo-hoo I wonder what Santa got me for Christmas whenever we come back from looking at Christmas lights because you are Santa.  Don't worry about writing from Santa because I know it is you.

From K

P.S. Don't give me the laptop.

This is what happens when you tell your very innocent 12 year old that you have been "Santa" all these years.

Since being given this letter, everything seems to be back to normal.  I hope that, even though he knows the truth, he is able to still enjoy the magic of Christmas.  I know I still love the magic that surrounds this time of year. 

We have talked about planning to write up letters from Santa for my Momma and Grannie.  He also thinks it's going to be fun to get stockings, paint their names on them, and fill them with treats for St. Nick's day and Christmas.  

I told him that he is in charge of his happiness.

I am confident he will choose to be happy.  


  1. Awe!! He took that hard! My 9 year old doesn't believe, yet the almost 11 year old does! I guess the 9 year old is a natural critic.

  2. Awww, that is so sad. This is what I am afraid is going to happen when I tell Clay. Hang in there. I'm sure once the shock wears off he will be back to himself. <3

  3. I took the advice of some of the Cincymoms. I told him about how he can now be Santa for the pets! He's excited about shopping for them and filling their stockings. :)

  4. Sorry he took it so hard. He'll be fine once he is in his new role of playing Santa for others.
