I think I'm the only person on the planet that has not read a single Harry Potter book, or seen a Harry Potter movie. Could that possibly be true? Well.. probably not... but it sure feels that way. So I got to thinkin'.... what else is super popular that I have not seen?
1. Star Wars - I've never watched any of them.
2. Lord of the Rings - Nope. None.
3. Twilight - eeek. Not a chance.
4. Top Gun - Really.. I haven't.
5. Dirty Dancing - Nah.
6. Pirates of the Caribbean - Nada.
7. Indiana Jones - Not my cup of tea.
However, I can quote every single line of Labyrinth. Who the hell needs box office smash hit movies when a person can watch the Goblin King - David Bowie - in tight ass pants singing and throwing a baby in the air?
Not me! That's who. :)
HAHAHA A challenge!