November 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Baby!!

Day 4...

I woke up that day with the mindset "Take him NOW!!"

I could not breathe.  Something was wrong, very wrong.  When the doctor made his rounds that morning he found me, once again, in tears.  I explained that I could not breathe.  Something was terribly wrong.  He went to grab the pulse oximeter finger thingie and this time it read 82.  See!  I knew something was wrong.  I was put on oxygen and that helped a lot.  I love doctors that actually listen to their patients!  However, I was too exhausted to throw out an "I told you so!!!" to the stupid nurse.

It was obvious, by this point, that labor was not stopping.  The doctor decided it was time. The C-Section would be done ASAP.  Wait.. what?!  Stinky wasn't there.  I was there alone.  He had gone home for his daily break from the hospital.  He was told it would be safe to head home and shower.  But no!  Now the clock was ticking down to slice-n-dice time... and I couldn't do this alone!!  He cut it close, but got there about 5 minutes before I was being wheeled out of my room. 

I had no experience with C-Sections.  I had no idea that they strap your arms down to the table.  I didn't know that when they are pulling the baby out of you that the pressure is crazy intense.  But really, I could have cared less what they did to me.  I was numb.  It was naptime!  I slowly fell asleep as soon as the C-Section started.  Apparently, "Stinky" was not on the same page as I was.  He shook my hand, yelled my name... and was panicked!  I, being very annoyed, shouted - "WHAT?"

His reply?  "Oh, whew!!  I thought you had died."

Yes.  He really did that.  I finally said "NO, I'm sleeping...leave me alone."

I was so out of it that when they asked me if I wanted to see the Demon right after he was born all I could manage to say was "Huh?  No."   How awful is that?!  I'm glad we can laugh about it now.

The Demon was born @ 28 wks. November 3, 1998.  4:48 pm.  2lbs 4 oz.  13 inches.  

I've heard it said before that labor is really hard, but once you see the baby all the pain and discomfort is forgotten.  Lies.  It's been 12 years and I remember, almost, every detail from the minute my stomach started burning.... to the spinal tap headache that I was lucky enough to get in recovery courtesy of the botched epidurals.

Will I ever forget the pain and details?  Probably not.

Was it worth every minute?  Definitely.

this was taken before he came home, about 3 months old!
Happy Birthday Demon!!!!!

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