October 25, 2010

Teddy Krueger

Looks like the Demon's Teddy Bear coat rack is ready for Halloween!

When is it too early to carve pumpkins?  I've always carved them the day before Halloween.  Even doing it then, sometimes, the pumpkins show signs of rotting...shriveling.  Some people I know have already carved them.  Maybe they are doing it just to do it, and will carve more for Halloween?  I would think, carving pumpkins a week or more a head of time would result in yucky pumpkins?  Maybe there is a trick to keep them looking fresh for a week?  

That's it...just 6 days 'til Halloween!!


  1. you can make a carved pumpkin last longer by: spraying the inside heavily with lysol and coating the cut edges heavily with vaseline. i still wouldn't carve much more than a week a head of time tho. you can reapply the lysol as often as you want too. (i looove carving pumpkins!)

  2. Lysol!? Isn't that flammable? lol I can see me lighting the candle on Halloween and being blown to smithereens!

  3. no risk of fire balls. it's antibacterial,etc so it keeps it from molding. the aerosol portion is flammable. just don't spray directly into the flame and make sure the stuff is dry on the inside of the 'kin.
