October 24, 2010

Does it count..

... that I drank diet Coke with some Amaretto??  I vote NO!  Who cares that I gave up pop.  When I have to waste time before seeing a movie..and a bar is available - I shall treat myself.

I did get to see Paranormal Activity 2 on Friday.  Scary!!!!  Other than the first Paranormal Activity, I've never heard people actually scream and gasp during a movie as I did for this one.   This sequel definitely got more screams.  It was so much scarier.   I've seen a lot of Horror movies in the theater.  Saw movies bring gasps and groans and the gore.  Halloween lead everyone to yell at the screen. at the stupid teenagers and their decisions.  These two movies brought...screams, gasps, cussing, shouting, jumps, eye covers (not just me), me accidentally elbowing the person in the seat next to me as I jumped 5 ft in the air out of my seat (sorry SIL)  and even reports of movie goers leaving the theater during the movie!

Seeing the movie at 12:30 am made for a pretty decent experience.  Yes, there were still some assholes that thought (for some seriously strange reason) seeing a baby walking around after being lifted out of his crib by  an invisible demon...was tear inducing hilariously funny.  Yes, there were jerks that thought whispering and talking during certain parts of the movie was appropriate.  But, for the most part, it was a quiet movie during the parts it needed to be.

After the movie, as we're walking out to the car, more than one man mentioned that he was still shaking.  Grown men.. tough looking dudes, were all talking about how freaky it was as they walked out of the theater.  Actually, I need to stop talking about this...I'm starting to flash back to moments in the movie and tense up.

Thank you to my sister in law for coming through and joining me.  Also, a HUGE thank you to my brother for making the night possible!!!

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