September 7, 2010

Trip to the Castle

Sunday we did get to the Loveland Castle.  As a kid, I remember going and being amazed at the size.  Amazed that just one man built the castle, all by hand.  I hoped knew the boys would really like it.  We got there and immediately we were impressed.  Not with the Castle (although they were), but there was a red airplane flying overhead.  The boys pointed out it was doing flips and barrel rolls in the air!  I tried to get a picture..but this is the best I could get.  The boys kept insisting that it was not real; that it was a remote control.  Thankfully, the guy working at the castle set them straight.

I thought using giant photos would show the best detail.  Enjoy!

Then it was time to move onto the castle.

they were a little unsure about the Dungeon.

 they took the steps nice and slow.

peeking out the spy hole.

posing with their new friends.

the view from one of the balconies.


all smiles.

not to sure about who (or what) is in there?

LOL!  freaky.


posing one last time.

All in all it was a great trip.  I remember there being more to see, as a kid.  I don't know if it's because I'm grown?  but I just remember there being more rooms, more balconies open to the public..just more.  But, it was something new for the boys to experience.  Maybe when they have children of their own, they will share the history of the Loveland Castle with them as well.

One of the best parts of the day?  No bathroom stops for the Demon while we were out.  Maybe it was the Imodium that I gave him before we left.. whatever the reason, I'm thankful for a wonderful time spent with both boys.

1 comment:

  1. Cool! I've never been there before...I may need to take a day and bring Brandon!
