September 26, 2010

Too proud or just too stubborn?

(a very stubborn Demon)

Hmm.. or maybe it's just being hard headed?  Or are all three describing the same thing?  I've had a rough couple years.  Well okay, not really me but my family as a whole.  Throughout this time I've had so many amazing people offer to help.  From offering to bring us meals to just offering to sit with me at the hospital.  I've had offers to go grocery shopping for me and offers to pick up the Demon from school.  It's been unbelievable.  Most recently, I've even been offered monetary help.  With all of the offers, I've never accepted any of them.  I know I would feel like a total failure as a mother, daughter.. just person - if I were to accept any help.


Why is it that I won't ask for or accept help?

Almost daily, I yell at my Grannie because she refuses to ask for help and just does what she wants to do.  The difference between her and I is that I do realize what I can and can't do, physically.  But emotionally, I rarely go to anyone for help.  Sure, I vent here.. on Facebook... on a local moms site that I frequent...but in the real world I keep everything to myself.

Does it have something to do with being a mom?  Are moms more likely to just do and do and do and not think to ask for help?  Maybe it's more common with single moms?  I've based my whole "persona" on being a bad ass, tough, strong chic.  In my head accepting help means I'm weak.

Maybe I need to admit that (at times) I am weak.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes accepting help is a sign of strength because you know enough about yourself to know you have limits.
