September 3, 2010

Offering that olive branch.

I have offered once.  I invited my brother down for the Beast's birthday get together.  He chose to not come to Chuck E Cheese, but did show up for cupcakes and ice cream.  We all coexisted and everything was extremely  uncomfortable went well.  The only words exchanged were me to him "Tell me when it's enough."...when I was scooping his ice cream.  There was no laughing or joking between us, nothing at all normal.

This weekend I hope to take the boys to Loveland Castle. (It all hinges on the Demons bathroom status come Sunday morning.)  I did throw out the idea that my brother and sister in law are both more than welcome to join us.  Will they come?  Probably not.  But I know I'm extending the invitation.  And when the kids as why we're not all going, and they will,  I will once again cover for the situation.

I plan on closing the pool Saturday.  He is coming to help but not planning on staying.  It's OK.  We will pretend that everything is copacetic for the kids.  No matter how awkward I know I'll be feeling.

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