September 2, 2010

FREAKING me out.

Now.. before I start I want to warn you the following post may induce itching, creepy feelings, freak outs, and intense worry.  

Bed bugs.

Unless you've been hiding under a rock the past few months, the bed bug topic is all over the news.  Not only nationally, but very much locally.  Each time I see a picture pop up on facebook that a local new station is reporting on, I freak out.  I've started having nightmares!  I wake up in a panic and check beds, couches.. even carpets.  I've started seeing things moving out of the corner of my eye when there is nothing there.

I have no reason to think we have bed bugs.  No bites.  No itching.  But that is not helping my fear.

Reports of bed bugs have been popping up in movie theaters and libraries around town.  FREAK OUT.  I can live without going to a library.  lol  But wtf!??!!  The prime movie season is upon us.  Halloween Horror movies!!  (just typing this I'm scratching like crazy!)   How am I going to be able to enjoy seeing people sliced and diced and blood spewing everywhere a scary movie, when in the back of my mind I will be freaking out about the thought of bringing home bed bugs??  

I've read that throwing clothing in a dryer kills the bugs.  I guess I could try that after seeing a movie. I'd have to combine that with some Valium.  Or maybe just a few drinks afterward.

Probably I will chose the alcohol....and in large quantities.

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