June 11, 2010

The sun...

...won. We spent the morning/afternoon at Boomerang Bay Thursday. Anyone that knows me, knows that I burn quickly! I have gotten so much better at applying and reapplying sunscreen. How could I have missed a big chunk of upper right thigh!!??! Argh.

Our AC went out at some point today. I didn't realize it until the temp in here had risen to 77. Before I could get the repair guys out here, the temp reached 80! It was hot hot hot. Who knew a cricket could have knocked out the whole thing? lol Ended up costing $139.00 for the service call. A small price to pay for relief. I'm happily back under the covers in my igloo.

I'm watching this weeks episode of Happy Town (dvr'd). I really like this show. It really is a shame it's been canceled. I hope there is closure to the story, because if I don't find out who the "Magic Man" is I may freak out. Only 3 more episodes left. =(

Tomorrow is a mommy & demon hang out day. We have to take Grannie grocery shopping.. but after that we plan to spend the day in the pool! Just gotta find that aloe.....

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