June 8, 2010

The List.

#5...really!? I have to remind him, using a list, to brush his teeth every day!? haaaaha. Seriously. He's in charge of his laundry. A responsibility he's earned from leaving his room a mess. Here is our conversation tonight:

Me: Do you have clean underwear left?
Demon: Uhhhhh. No.
Me: Don't you think you should throw your laundry in the washer?
Demon: Well, I usually....uhhh... I usually just... uhhhh... wear these.
Me: Yo nasty.

The joys of having a boy. ♥ The list includes things The Demon must do to be able to play outside or with his Wii. We'll see how it goes, tomorrow is the first day.

Tomorrow is my momma's first dental appointment since breaking her hip in October. We're (my brother and I) are freaking out!! It was relatively easy getting her downstairs for Christmas. I'm praying that tomorrow isn't bad. I also hope that any rain is over by 11:00 tomorrow morning. Any additional prayers would be very much appreciated. :)

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