June 6, 2010

Should I risk it?

This is my last tattoo on my forearm. A swallow, for my grandpa. Shortly after I got this tattoo (2/2009), 12 hours to be exact, I was in intense pain. My knees!! I have issues with my knees, patellofemoral syndrome. After I started with the intense pain, I started looking up join pain associated with tattoos. I read that people with certain conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis are advised against tattoos. Especially tattoos with RED INK. Well, I wish I had read that information pre tattoo, because the pain I experienced was no joke. I was prescribed Vicodin and steroids.

All that back story leads me to the picture. It's obvious that I need the red (on the belly) touched up. I'm terrified!! But, I can't go around with it looking half assed. It's been over a year. I'm sure it's safe? LOL Probably not, but it's something that I have to do.

Tomorrow is The Demon's first day of summer break. Let's hope it's an uneventful summer. ♥

1 comment:

  1. Maybe start taking the medicine before the pain starts if you do get it touched up so the pain doesn't seem as bad?
