May 9, 2010


I hope everyone enjoyed Mother's Day. Mine started highly stressful and disappointing but the day has ended on a much better note. A pie baby for dessert. =)

Mother's Day was a HIT with my Grannie and Momma. They LOVED the collage picture!! For my Mom, my brother and I went with ole reliable and bought her books. She loves the JD Robb In Death series, so we each gave her 3 books. I also bought some books for Christmas to give her. For Grannie, we went with smell good - non candle - gifts. We bought her quite a few of the scented oil reed diffuser things and a Febreeze Flameless Luminary . I've never used one of them, but they do look pretty! They both were beyond happy.

It looks like The Demon is suffering from some symptoms of his UC (Ulcerative Colitis). I am hoping it's just because he's had a cold and it's hitting his immune system a little harder than normal, and in a few days he will be OK. Please keep him in your prayers! Also say a little prayer for me. After the day I had with him today, if this attitude keeps up I need all the prayers I can get to keep me from flipping out on him. lol

Yesterday, my sister in law came down and we watched some scary movies and had a few drinks. Great time! I had not seen The Grudge yet. EEEKS...the face of the girl was too creepy. To be honest, I don't even want to think about that right now as I still have laundry to switch. If I imagine that face I will NOT want to go to the basement.

Uh.......too late. I think the laundry will have to wait until tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha...glad to know that movie scared a horror movie fan! I slept on the couch with the lights and TV on the night I saw it in theaters!
