May 7, 2010

Why can't I be surprised??!

* Warning: This is going to come across as ungrateful and petty, but it's my blog and I'll be petty if I want to. *

Every year it's the same; every year I tell him I want it different.

Mother's day (as I have mentioned before) is not my most favorite day of the year. This weekend The Demon is with his dad and will return on Sunday morning to spend the day with me. I would love for him to make me something. Even if it's just a card, I would absolutely love it. Instead, I get flowers that are bought by HER (OK.. petty) and given to him to give to me. He probably picks them out... but I just wish, REALLY wish, that he'd speak up and say 'No, I just want to make something for mommy'. Then, I really wish he'd make something for me, unassisted!

For the most part, I hate any flowers that I am responsible to keep alive for longer than a week. I am no good at it. In fact, The Demon's exact words when I received flowers earlier in the week (from my amazing cousin in GA) was "Oh no, you're just going to kill them." So then, WHY does he think that giving me flowers on Mother's Day is a good idea?? (OK..ungrateful)

This year, he has already told me I'm getting flowers and then went on to tell me he's made me a card. He even tricked me into turning around and SHOWING me the card!!? (OK, that was funny) I just wish I could be surprised.

Even though I'm getting flowers that I will likely kill in a few weeks, and a card that I've already seen - spending time with the demon is all I really care about. I will be milking the whole "Mother's Day" thing and I'm sure there will be coloring and cuddling to go along with the yard work that is in store for ALL of us (my brother, sister in law, the beast and demon).

After typing this out, and proof reading it, I had a eureka! moment. I have made it very known I want to be surprised. He's made it his mission to tell me about everything. Maybe if I had made it known that I want to actually know what he's getting me he would keep it a secret!

I guess there is always next year! ♥

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