May 3, 2010

Tainted Holidays...

When something life changing happens to occur on a holiday, that holiday is forever changed.

When a child is born on a holiday, it usually changes the holiday for the better. I imagine, when my great grandma was born on Christmas day, 1899, it was a pretty big day for her parents. However, when she died on Valentines day, 2000, hearts and love isn't normally what my grandma now thinks of, on February 14th.

Shortly after, on May 5th, 2000 (Cinco de Mayo) my grandpa suddenly passed away. To this day, we can not bring up anything related to Cinco de Mayo. I have to be sure to remind both boys to NOT talk about anything they have learned or celebrated in school that day. Also, Father's day disappeared from my life that day.

The day after my birthday I had The Demon... after a LONG, traumatic labor. Maybe I'll post the details one day. My birthday disappeared and since 1998, November 2nd/3rd is a celebration for him. I don't mind at all. In fact, spending my birthday at Chuck E Cheese has been fun the past 11 years.

Mother's day, 1999, the relationship with the demon's father and I ended. I don't mourn that anymore, however, the significance of Mother's day is forever tainted. I love spending time with my baby, and the day will be beautiful - rain or shine - but that cloud always hovers.

I'm not sure why I'm even thinking about all of this... maybe I'm just missing my grandpa a little bit more today than normal.

1 comment:

  1. Your grandpa was an incredible man. I'll never forget those pictures from the war he shared with us in carpool. Here's to the good memories; they are life-changing, too.
