May 4, 2010

Next time I'll listen.... The Demon when he tells me he doesn't feel well. He was complaining of his stomach hurting this morning. I have been burned in the past, when I just blindly believe that he is sick, and instead he spends the day wrestling with the dog. With no fever, I sent him on to school.

Around 1pm...I get the call.

"Casey, this is Diane. I have Kane in the office and he is just not feeling well at all, would you like to speak to him?"

"Aw, no. I will just come pick him up"

Still no fever, but he has an awful cough. However, I'll take him having a cough any day over the stomach virus that seems to always be going around the city. I think he will stay home again tomorrow and get Mucinex around the clock. He can finish the week back in school.

Now - so long as we keep him quarantined from my Momma and Grannie - all will be good.

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