May 12, 2010


As I sit here at work, listening to a coworker fill her water bottle, I am reminded how much sounds irritate me. AHH The sound of the water trickling in the bottle is getting on my nerves. So here.. I thought if I type out the sounds that drive me absolutely crazy, it may help me to see how wacky I am.

  1. Water pouring into any type of container.
  2. Animals drinking water.
  3. Animals licking...anything!
  4. People chewing ice.
  5. Ice clanking around a cup.
  6. People chewing food, loudly.
  7. Finger nail biting.
  8. The sound of someone/thing scratching them/itself.
  9. (I reserve the right to add on to this list at any time)

Wow. I'm weird. ♥


  1. Add people sniffing to avoid blowing their noses and slurping soup!

  2. LOL!! i totally knew the ice and licking were on there. (i'm totally with you on the licking).
