May 12, 2010

It must just be me.

I belong to a private moms site. I posted this thread 3/24/10. For those that haven't read it, I wanted to get some feedback (and also vent...)

"Boy and girl date for 7 years.

Get engaged and have baby.

Boy dumps girl on 1st Mother’s Day, less than 1 month after buying a house together (on the street that she's grown up) using money that was given to them as a wedding gift from her family.

She doesn't even get to see the furniture that SHE picked out (and paid for with family money) delivered.

The baby is 6mos.

Two weeks later...boy starts to date a mutual/friend coworker.

During custody battle, boy accuses girl of being abusive to son. (totally untrue)

Years later, they marry and are still living in said house (on the same street as girl).

Boy has never repaid the entire $13,000.00.

Girl's brother stays good friends with ex through it all. Not even speaking up to boy to repay his family (mom and grandparents).

Normal? Abnormal? Where would your loyalties be...with your sister or the ex? Would your husband do that to his sister (if he had one?). Continue to be friends with someone like that, who treated his sister this way? Brother would never have KNOWN ex if it were for girl. It's not like they were friends before the relationship."

Since this post... my brother has told me he's not going to hang out down there anymore. Which, minus one Sunday to fill out applications, has done just that - not hang out down there. However, he's become Facebook friends with my ex's wife (former coworker/friend). REALLY? It would be one thing to just be "friends". Now, they are commenting back and forth on each others pages.

Is it so unreasonable of me to expect him to just CUT TIES? WTF!!?? We are supposed to have a game night...and I don't even want to LOOK at him right now. AHHHHHHHH... sorry.

Probably I'm the one being abnormal??


  1. I do not think you are being abnormal or unreasonable. I still cannot believe that "couple" live in "that" house and on "that" street!! Boggles me..just truly boggles me. Maybe the brother thinks that commenting on fb pages isn't being friends or hanging out...granted I still think ALL ties should have been cut..but that may just be because I believe family first!

  2. um, you're right. he's wrong. end of story.
    and if all that had happened to me, i'd be hard pressed not to break stuff that was supposed to have been mine but ended up "belonging" to a cheater and a back-stabbing bit@h.

  3. You are definitely not abnormal with this! Since he knows how you feel yet continues to maintain a relationship that is pretty much bitch-slap worthy!
