April 23, 2010

The Spring/Summer Blah

It was weird. Late last night I went to bed watching Jeepers Creepers . Today the reruns of Family Feud were their Halloween Spooktacular specials. Then after Family Feud I switched to The Office and it was their Halloween special! I was in heaven.

Everyone always hears of SAD - Seasonal affective disorder. I think I have the opposite of that disorder. I am in such a funk from Spring until Autumn. Don't get me wrong, I love spending the extra time with the demon and the beast. I LOVE when he is home from school. All that said,.. I am my happiest from October - March. (minus tax season.. lol) I love all things Halloween. I love Christmas specials and family time during those holidays. I love snow, even shoveling. I know, I know I'm weird.

Oh well, I guess I'll have to bury myself this weekend in horror movies. My brother bought The Collector. His review "Dude, The Collector is no joke." & "Mass gore" (those were texts.)

...I'm off to be grossed out (hopefully!).

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