April 29, 2010

Ready for the pain.

November 2008 I fell, HARD, down the basement steps. I landed on my left hip. At first, I really didn't think I could stand up as my leg was stuck underneath me. It took a primal scream for me to pull the leg out and try to stand. The pain and bruising was immediate. It took close to 3 weeks before I could even stand the pressure of jeans! Up until then, I lived in yoga or sweat pants - and even that hurt. The bruise lasted about 8 weeks. Thankfully, my job is casual enough I could pull off the sweats. Having no insurance, going to the doctor for xrays and possible therapy was not an option. To this day, I have pain in my hip. It aches with rain. It hurts after sitting for prolonged periods of time. It's sore after a lot of walking. Being the stubborn person that I am, I never did go the the doctor. Tomorrow, I go to the chiropractor. I am so nervous! I don't know what I'm more nervous about, the fact that he's going to work on my hip, or my jaw. I've suffered from TMJ since high school. I know Dr Fox will take it easy on me, but I'm still worried (read:scared!) I'm sure it will take multiple appointments to put Casey back together again.

The Demon is up to 7 discipline marks. 10 marks = a detention. A detention = no wii. for the summer. His marks are usually the result of forgetting homework. At first, his getting points really made me angry. I was never a discipline problem in school. I was talkative but never got into the trouble he gets into. I think a big agree that the problem with him was that for the first few years in school he was coddled. Remarks from his teachers proved that - "He is just too cute for me to punish!". I wish he had been punished earlier on in his school career. At this point in the year, I don't even care. LOL I have told both him and his teacher that I am just over it. I can't control him remembering his homework. I can't control how he behaves in school. What I can control is the punishment he will receive if he continues to misbehave. THAT, he should fear.

For his sake, (and the sake of summertime fun) I hope he can get his act together and shape up.

He only has 26 days left!

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