April 30, 2010

He brought the pain.

Ahh. Before I go to bed I thought I'd update on the chiropractor. Things were surprisingly painless during the appointment. His office is in Lebanon so it's a decent drive to and from...by the time I was home I felt it. Pain! My neck, my hip, my shoulders - I quickly took a pain pill. lol Thankfully, that kicked in and I felt better. If nothing else, I hope the visit helps with my headaches.

After I picked up the demon from school (and after his haircut) I took Grannie to WalMart. Shopping with her is always an experience. A long experience. It's also always fun to shop for Mother's day gifts WITH her. She has no clue why I was asking her which picture frame she liked more. She asked, "Where are you going to put them?" Of course, I have no idea where SHE is going to put the gift so I just took a guess, "On the mantle." lol!!

There are many advantages of living with my momma. One big advantage is that she will watch movies with The Demon - the movies that I don't really want to see (or see again). They are currently watching Avatar. It's a great movie, just not a movie that I'd necessarily want to see over and over again. On the other hand, I am watching Jeepers Creepers. It's been awhile since I've seen it on DVD. EW! A lot nastier vs TV version. Not to mention, FREAKIER.

OK, I think it's time for my Pie Baby.....baby! ♥

(took some pictures today..will post 'em tomorrow)

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