April 27, 2010


Looks good, huh? Booo. Not so much. Another positive that comes with Spring/Summer is delicious watermelon. I will have to add watermelon to the Strawberry Pie Baby Diet. Maybe I'll throw it in as my snacks? mmm - Guess I'll have to wait a bit longer, though, for some good watermelon.

On to other news.

The Demon has decided he wants to start a blog. He loves writing and has been keeping a journal for some time. I told him we'd give it a try. It's completely private (other than ME) for now. After he gets the hang of posting and how this whole thing works maybe I'll send out some invites. I'm sure he'd love some different people reading about "Big M" ...besides "Big M" herself. "Big M"?!? LOL I guess I should blame myself. He's known about me referring to him as "the demon" for a long time...and he thought it would be fun to refer to me in a special way. I suggested "The Big M"... that makes me seem intimidating! scary! fun? "Big M" makes me seem FAT. (which there is no argument about..but it's another thing entirely to be called that! hA!)

So long as it doesn't get shortened further to BM - we're all good. ♥

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