April 26, 2010


Wow.. what a Monday. We (The Demon & I), for once, are actually running on schedule. We head out to load into the jeep and close the doors.

Demon: "MAN, it smells like dog poop!!"

Me: "(sniiiiiffff) DUDE, you better check your shoes!!"

Demon: "Aw man.. YEP!"

Me: "You stepped in dog poop??!!"

Demon: "YES!!(##*!@!)"

Now.. he has this attitude like it's MY fault he stepped in the poo. After many disinfecting wipes, spraying off of shoes, and disinfecting our hands...we're finally on our way to school (now late). After school we head grocery shopping. I make sure that he's careful taking the bags inside and instruct him to grab the scooper and clean it up! (not a result of our dog....)

He comes walking in with only one shoe on?!

Me: "WHAT are you doing?"

Demon: "Well, I stepped in it AGAIN!"

Me: "HOW??!! You better get out there and pour water over all the areas!!(#*$*!!"

After many trips from the kitchen to the front yard/porch with a pitcher of water - mission is accomplished. I was unable (read: didn't want to) take a picture of the poo covered shoes. Here is where they will sit until school tomorrow morning:

(resting nicely on the vent to dry)

Fast forward - after dinner.

He lets the dog in and all of a sudden we once again are experiencing the scent of POOP. The freakin' dog is back to his very disgusting habit of ... YOU know. I have spent so much money to try to change this habit. Tablets, pineapple & and I've even tried changing his food ($35 a bag!!).

Time for the muzzle....and a nice alcoholic beverage.

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