April 13, 2010

Almost time..

... to open the pool! I had to look back at pictures from last summer to get myself motivated. Nice clean, clear, BLUE water!

This year, I have a serious - SERIOUS problem. The pool cover tore. That is never a good thing, however, my nephew took a peak on Sunday and told me the water looks clean. I hope so. The first pool opening (the second summer) was a horrible experience. The cover came off resulting in very messy water. Messy = leaves, algae, pine needles, any and everything gross. I was shoulder deep in that mess trying to clean it out. I was having nightmares of parasites! LOL I swore to myself, after that experience, that I would never go through that again. Before I ever spend that energy and money again the pool would sooner be introduced to Mr. Sledgehammer.

My fingers are crossed that - when I remove the cover in a couple of weeks - the water will be clear! Wish me luck. If not, be on the look out for a news segment of a psycho lady flipping out on her above ground pool. ♥

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