September 11, 2012

goal 2012: update

let's see here....

earlier this year i thought it would be better to, instead of making resolutions that i was sure to fail, create a list of goals that i wanted to accomplish during the year.  as you can see, i'm still slacking!

i am happy to report that i have finally organized and purged my dining room (#5).  as of today, (and keep in mind this status is ever changing because of a certain 13 year old demon that thinks any room in the house is a catch all for his crap) my dining room is very well organized!  drawers have been organized and purged. 

smell good drawer.. and sunscreen/sunglasses/bug repellent/nail polish drawer.. organized chaos.

 i acquired my momma's stereo and bookcase and it's found its new home in my dining room. 

the frogs belonged to her, too. 

however, while i say that the drawers have been organized, that does NOT include the demon and his desk.  that is another bag of worms that i hope to deal with this weekend.

this is about as clean as the top of his desk gets...
his top drawer.. seriously?!

i can say, with almost absolute certainty, that the basement will not be accomplished this year (#1).  oh well, there is always next year!  i mean, i will need some goals to work on in 2013, right?

oh yeah, about the weight loss and working toward a healthier eating lifestyle (2)?  probably won't happen either.  seriously, i am too excited about caramel apples, halloween candy, thanksgiving dinner, cheeseballs and homemade chex mix, yummy cookies and desserts to be too concerned about anything else.  get off my back already!

this friday i *will* be getting that oil change (#10).  uh, about 2 years too late!  that will remain our little secret as i plan on fibbing to the car guys when i bring the jeep in for a (also overdue) recall situation.  not only that, but i'm afraid my brakes are going out and instead of relying on my good luck, i thought i better get them looked at before we end up in a horrible car accident.  probably a good idea.

i work daily on staying off the computer while the demon is awake (#3), but lately, i'm failing at that as well.  thankfully, we stay somewhat busy over the weekends that i spend less time online and more time in the real world.  i will have to ask the demon, at the end of the year, his opinion on that specific goal.

coupons?  well, going grocery shopping regular may help with that one.. but since we haven't since my mom died, it's hard to handle this one.  since school has started back, i plan on more meals at home and, of course, we have to prepare for school lunches!  i have a stack of coupons waiting to be attacked by my scissors!  i hope to be able to cross this one off the list by december.

okay.. i'll leave you all with more of the, newly dusted and rearranged, dining room goodies.

could i have any more candles?!

the other day, as the beast was sitting at the dining room table, he noticed all the owls.  he was definitely uncomfortable and mentioned "all of those owl eyes on me is freaking me out!"  he's great.

sorry for the glare... crazy windows.

i'm off.. you know, to work on that - staying offline while the demon is awake - thing.

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