August 5, 2012

back to the real world.

tomorrow i am back at work which means today is like every other sunday of the year.  filled with laundry, watching mindless television and cleaning house.  yikes.  my house is a MESS.  you would think since we didn't spend too much time at home this past week there wouldn't too much to clean up, but you'd be wrong.  very wrong.

i have tons of pictures i have to edit and get ready for a week of vacation blogs but i'm totally not motivated to start.

we celebrated my brother's birthday and we made it through my momma's first birthday since her passing.  

i can't believe it's already august.  2 full weeks left of summer break and i really hope that it's not spent sitting on our butts doing nothing.  i am dreading the start of school but excited about the start of football season!  

yesterday the demon and i went to the grand antique mall.  i can't even express the amount of amazing things this place has!  i've never been huge on antiques and i've even teased my mom about the museum that has been our house over the years.. but geesh - i wish i had loads of money and could've gone crazy in this place.  i've driven by this gem for the last 16 years and have never once ventured inside.  it's definitely a place i will be visiting frequently from here on out and i even scored a couple of great old kodak cameras! 

if you're into antiques and have never been, you.should.go!

well... i've wasted as much time as i should today.  i will do my best to get a blog up tomorrow - i just need to find  that motivation.


  1. I am glad you had a nice vacation! Can't wait to chat with you again! :)
