June 14, 2012

always be prepared for the unexpected.

yesterday the plan was to finally take the cover off of my pool.  i was going to work until 3:30pm and my brother was going to meet me at my house.  however, as i was walking to my car my phone rang.  it was my brother explaining how his car wouldn't start and he was pretty sure the battery was dead.


plans changed and it was me that had to do the driving - to his house - to pep boys - back to his house. and, at the end of the adventure, the pool cover stayed put! 

this is how the demon spends most of his car rides lately...

anyway, i took this time to annoy my brother and snap pictures as he tried to teach me how to properly replace the battery.  when in reality, i didn't hear a word he said and, instead,  i told him to slow down so i could get some good shots. haha!

i'm sure he said to always be sure to place the battery  in exactly the same way it was before it was removed.. but i can't be sure.  i was too busy trying to get clear photos.

at one point i'm sure he handed me a bolt and referred to it as a nut..then argued with me when i was trying to tell him he was wrong-o!

the beast was standing next to me, being annoying...so i did what i do best and angled the camera toward him.

okay, back to the engine...  i'm not quite sure how he has such a clean engine.  mine is filthy dirty.

he was giving me step by step instructions.  i was 100% not listening...in fact i said "why would you waste your time telling me this when, if my battery ever died, i'd be calling on you!". so silly.

the only thing i actually heard was the zap of the battery being hooked back up to the car.


the car started right up.  he done good!

one last thing... 

i love teasing him about this bird poo.  he gets so angry at the fact that no matter where he parks on his street, his car is the favorite target of every bird in the neighborhood.  it's hilarious to hear him go nuts after he washing it, to only have it destroyed minutes later.   h i l a r i o u s.

the new plan is now to remove the cover...friday.  let's hope it happens!

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