February 6, 2012

Mission (semi) Accomplished.

This weekend I tackled a few clean up projects.  Saturday I attacked the second closet in my room.  But, more on that another time.  Right now, I'm going to discuss the kitchen cabinets.  What a mess!



This bottom shelf accumulates a lot of overflow of dishes that don't seem to fit anywhere else.  My goal is to completely clear this shelf and keep it clear.

A little off topic:  I offered a deal to the Demon on Saturday.  He could earn 1hour off lockdown if he did the dishes.  These were the dishes that were not actually clean.  Grrr.  And yes, we are the last people in the world without a dishwasher.


The amount of dust I encountered left me suffering with allergies the rest of the night.  Cleaning is hazardous to my health.  I hope after seeing this the Demon realizes how important it is to keep the doors closed.

Okay, while these are slightly cute, wtf!?  Why would anyone want these salt & pepper shakers?

A little more organized.  I have a slight obsession with travel cups.  This was the only way I could think of to store the lids.  Oh, and of course, I had to reserve a special spot for my Bengals cups!

Yes, a few more things that should be thrown away but because I grew up with them they get to stay.  There is a silverware holder that belonged to my Great Grandma (the white cup thing behind the measuring cup) and a container with the cow on top, that my Momma used to hold sugar packets (behind the blue lids).  It's funny how certain things, no matter how useless they are, hold a spot in my Grinch-like heart.

... I ran out of shelf liner early in my attempt to pretty up the shelves.

This teapot has Lipton Tea engraved on the bottom.  I never remember my Momma drinking hot tea.  Not only that, but what is that glass container to the right of the pot?  It looks like it's meant for vinegar?  I've never seen it used here.  I also have no idea what the little crystal thing is to the left of the pot.  But, I feel guilty throwing away something so pretty.

Speaking of things that have no use in this house.. do you see the mountain of dishes (left)?  I counted 12 tea/coffee cups.  I assume it was a setting for 12?  First off, they are ugly.  Secondly.. the most we ever have at a meal is when we celebrate Thanksgiving and even then we've had (at the most) 5 adults (not including my Momma because she eats on her own plate) and 2 kids.  WHY would we need this set?  Again, because I grew up with these and they remind me so much of my Momma and my childhood.. they get to stay.

Just a few pieces of plastic left.  I have slowly replaced all things plastic with Pyrex.

A little more plastic that is used for cold foods that I take to and from work.. and some larger bowls.  I've thrown out a ton of old Tupperware containers and even more lids.

I think it looks so much better.  I wiped down all of the shelves and, as soon as I get more shelf liner, will finish prettying up the rest of the shelves.

The shelf under the cabinets is usually a catch all for anything and everything.  Let's hope we're able to see the countertop for more than just a week.

This was another WTF moment.  You have to know that, growing up, my mom worked full time and we ate out a lot.  Being a single mom she did what she had to do to provide us an awesome life.  It wasn't until I hit the 8th grade that she really went down hill with her MS.  But, from my birth to the 8th grade - 13-14 yrs old - I can't remember more than a handful of actual Momma home cooked meals.  We grew up eating dinners next door with my grandparents.  WHY would my mom have so much cookware?!  I'm hoping to be able to store these beauties in the cabinets under the shelf.  Although, I'm not sure there's even enough room to house all of these within the one cabinet!

Other than being completely knocked out for the rest of the night because of the dust, I am very pleased with what I have accomplished this weekend - even if I didn't completely finish this project. 

Job almost well done.

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