February 3, 2012

A little HELP!?

How is a person supposed to enjoy this kind of food...

crap low-cal microwave meal

...when this kind of food...

glorious chocolate

... is all over the rest of the office!  This pile 'o chocolate is stored in my room.  

Not.  Fair.

For the past two weeks I've really been slacking with this diet.  I used to be able to at least control the out of hand snacking during the day, while at work.  Now?  Not so much.  As I pass the chocolate pile each time I enter/leave my office I want some.  I used to be able to resist.  This week?  Not so much.  Maybe it's PMS? Probably it's because I'm weak and have no self control.  I will never reach my goal at this rate.  I need to stop being so hard on myself when I have little slip ups throughout the day/week.  Instead, I become so defeated.  Ahhh, tomorrow is another day, right?

(I have changed up the layout of the blog (as if you couldn't tell!).  What do you think?)

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