January 20, 2012

A new toy...

pssst!  I have a new toy coming very soon and I can't wait to play with it this weekend.  It shipped on Wednesday and I'm expecting it today.  This is the first non Kodak camera that I've ever purchased so I'm a little nervous starting fresh.  Other than just being a new camera brand all together the size is such a change! I'm sure it is going to take awhile to get familiar with the settings and fun stuff this camera has to offer but I am hopeful that the finished products are going to be so much better than what I've been dealing with lately with my camera.  I've heard/read nothing but good things regarding this specific camera.

I'm almost sure I'm going to be snapping a few shots of the Demon as he tackles the mess in his room.  Enjoy your weekend people, I'm sure it's going to be better than my time spent nagging this kid while he's busting butt.

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