October 18, 2011

Top Ten V.7

hmmm, another week has come and gone and i have not blogged.  since i'm sure you all care about me and what the hell i've been up to while not blogging here ya go...

a top ten list of things i've been doing instead of blogging:

01.  sleeping!  i realize that i should not sleep so much and in reality i am taking less naps.  but i do love it so.  and really, what can a person expect to do when they can't seem to sleep at night!?  in a 3 day time period i slept a grand total of 9 1/2 hours.  sunday afternoon, i crashed.

02.  not exercising.  :)  while i did get up and move a little yesterday - i'm slacking hardcore in the exercise department.  and since i'm not exercising we can combine #2 with not losing weight.

03.  spending money that i don't have on stuff that i don't need.  for example:  Horror movies and video games.

04.  not straightening up the basement.  i may do that this weekend.  or i may sleep.

05.  we did have a game night!  even though i don't remember much of the night, i do remember having fun.

06.  we went to the pumpkin patch saturday!  normally i would run here and compose a long recap of the events of the day loaded with great pictures....but not this year.  maybe it will come.

07.  last friday the furnace guy came to check out and service my furnace.  since the flood, it hadn't been turned on yet because i needed to be sure there wasn't any damage.  thankfully, there was not any flood damage.  however, he opened the panel to reveal a couple hoses had broken.  do you think he had the parts on his truck to repair?  of course not.  so an hour later and after a trip to covington for the right pieces.. i was out $164 for what was supposed to be a free tune up.

08.  the bengals are kickin' ass and taking names!  and i don't want to hear "they got lucky"  "that win was sloppy"  blah blah blah... they're winning.  and that makes me happy.

09.  the demon seems to be falling back into the whole "failing tests and not caring" routine.  after failing a spelling test and being forced to correct each word 50 times (totally 600 words) i'm hoping he has turned around.

10. decorating the house for Halloween.  finally.  the flood really delayed what i would have normally accomplished the first weekend of october.

that's all for now folks!  i am starting to sound like the demon when i tell him he needs to do better.  the response is always "i know".  i know i should blog more.  but right now...i'm just not feeling it.  i'm not sure why, and don't know if i will figure it out?  but i'm sure i'll be back in the groove of things soon enough.

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