August 25, 2011

This time last year.

August 25, 2010
Update on the 1st day.


He said he had a great day. Didn't go to the bathroom once. All of his friends are back again. He's sitting in the front row, he doesn't like that.. BUT Momma does. Hopefully, that will keep him in check.

He said "This year, I am going to be better - more organized!" I sure hope so. Last year was rough.

Even though he didn't go at all during the day, he did manage to go to the bathroom 4 times this evening. That brings the total to 7. Not going in the right direction!!! I call the doctor Friday to check in and give him the update on how the demon is doing.

I'm optimistic that, after the first week of school jitters go away, he will improve.

has to.

above is the blog entry i made exactly 1 year ago.  today, i was going to post something very similar as yesterday was the 1st day of school!  so i thought.. let's take a look back in time...  just like last year, he had a great day.  he didn't go to the bathroom at all during school which is surprising since at home he seems to go almost immediately following eating a meal.  he's been practicing "holding it" which is great!  (tmi?)  this year his class welcomed 2 new students.  although, one of the students isn't exactly new to the demon.  he recognized her and knew right away that she was from his former school!  he never said anything to her about knowing her from carthage, but he is going to today.  i told him it may make her feel more comfortable knowing she actually knows someone and he happily agreed.

from the above blog post there is one glaring difference from what i was going to post today.  while last year he was in the beginning stages of an UC flare.. this year he's UC FREE! I can't begin to tell you how great it feels to see him so happy.  he's not rushing to the bathroom cramping.  he's not weak from the lack of sleep or any other reason associated with an UC flare.  i don't know the exact words to describe the feeling i have because i don't think "relief" accurately describes what i'm feeling.  i was so worried before surgery - not knowing if i was making the right decision.  even after the first surgery and all the complications, i was regretting the decision.  when i saw him in such pain in the hospital..when he was saying that he regretted the decision it was hard to not feel responsible for all of his pain.

but today, august 25, 2011 we have finally reached the other side of ulcerative colitis.  no more pain, no more wound, no more meds.  he is happy and healthy.  

and i am thankful.

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