January 12, 2011

I need help!

I'm doing fantastic with my dance goals.  I'm actually surprised with how dedicated I've become with the whole thing.  What I am struggling with is the no nap portion of my resolution.  I can't NOT nap.  When I get home, about 4pm, I crash.  If I have plans after work and don't get that nap, I will crash by about 7pm.  By crash I mean nap.  Napping at 7pm is awful!  I wake up around 9pm and there isn't a chance in hell I'm able to go back to sleep any time soon. 

Maybe I need vitamins?  I have a very sensitive stomach and was able to keep gummy vitamins down.  However, taking them everyday got to be very expensive.  Is there a certain specific vitamin that is better for energy?  B12?  Any suggestions?  I have tried coffee, green tea, energy shots, caffeine sodas, and each day by 4pm I'm snoring.

I even thought about going to the mall or something everyday.  Just to get out and walk... but knowing me and my spending problems... that may be the worst idea ever.

Help!!  What works for you to maintain your engery?  I can't imagine that everyone is as exhausted as I am every day.


  1. My S-I-L swears by magnesium supplements. She says she's sleeping great and has tons of energy during the day. 250mg a day (it's cheap cheap too). Just make sure you take with food or you will puke. It also works (for me, at least) as a migraine preventative. I tried the B12 too, didn't notice anything.

  2. Thanks for the suggestion! & thank you for reading this without being prompted by my FB linking!! LOL <3

  3. Wish I had a suggestion for you, but I am in the same boat!

  4. I take a daily multi. WITH food so as not to get sick. They aren't that expensive. A giant bottle at Sam's runs $10 or so.

    I might try the magnesium though. B12 didn't seem to do much for me and I start to burn out by 3 everyday. I haven't gotten anything done around the house - damn tree is still up.

  5. My tree is still up too, but I blame my elbow. It's undecorated..if that counts? lol

  6. Maybe you have a Vitamin D deficiency?
