January 17, 2011

Happy Martin Luther King Day.

I was trying to find the words to produce a thoughtful blog.  But, let's face it.. I'm pretty shallow.

I have always been one to be able to "see the other side" of life.  I've never seen color...and I hope to be raising my son the same.  I am very empathetic to everyone of different races and I thought maybe I could explain why I am the way I am? Maybe it's because of a couple of defining moments of my life, as a child.

In the 8th grade - I had a HUGE crush on a boy in my class... he just happened to be African American.  We were practicing for our 8th grade play and, for some reason, I was sent back to the classroom.  He was being punished (for whatever lame reason) and not allowed to participate in the play.  Of course, I was taking my sweet time getting whatever I was sent there to get so that I could spend extra time flirting.  My teacher came into the room and looked at me with total disgust.  Her comments stick with me to this day..

"Your mother would not be happy with how you're behaving.  Do you think she would approve of this relationship?"

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?  I was maybe 13 years old?  I looked at my friend and could see in his face total shock.  How could a person that we're supposed to look up to and admire just say what we just heard!?  I may not remember total details of why I was sent back to the room, or why he was not allowed to participate but I remember her face..and his reaction.

A couple years later I was walking down the street.  I was with another girlfriend of mine - she was white.  With us were about 4 or 5 guys.  All big football players.  All African American.  We were walking through a pretty upper class area and causing no trouble.  As we were walking, a police officer pulled up along side of us and asked my friend and me if we were "Okay".  I looked at her and thought "Huh?"  Honestly, I had NO clue why the police officer would stop.  We weren't running.  We weren't loud.  We were all having a good time.  After I replied "Yeah, everything is fine."  I turned around to look at my friends.  They, almost, acted like it was nothing new... but I could see in their faces the hurt. 

I can't imagine EVER being randomly stopped and questioned like that on a regular basis.  I can't imagine ever being followed in a store and given the "look".  I can't imagine being treated like less than.. because of my color.

So... I wish everyone would take time - THIS day - and think about those people that are looked at as less than.  Please understand a day in the life of someone different from you.

It will make you a better person.

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