December 2, 2010

Infusion #2!

Since the first round of Remicade (2 weeks ago) the Demon has not shown any negative side effects.  In fact, his symptoms have gone away.  Instead of 6-7 trips to the bathroom he's going 1-2 times a day.  We go for round 2 today.  That means... tomorrow he gets to wean the steroids!!!!  Although he is SUPER stoked about coming off of the Prednisone, he's also a little worried that his symptoms will come back.  I'm hopeful the Remicade will continue to work.  It has to work until May.  

We finally got the Christmas decorations up!  My goal was to get everything done by Friday (last Friday).  Well, with everyone yacking over the last few days that was not going to happen.  Once everyone started to feel better, the Demon - again - started to feel "iffy" and he missed school.  Tuesday, we decorated the tree and hung the stockings by the chimney with care.  We didn't put everything up that we normally do.  I don't know why but neither one of us were totally in the decorating mood.  The living room is festive enough and the dining room has a Nativity and some candles.  That's it.  The past few years we even put up decorations outside.  I don't see that happening this year.  I'm not in the mood and the Demon doesn't seem to care one way or the other.

Well... I've got bags to pack and work to finish before we head to the hospital.  Please keep up the prayers  and good thoughts that Remicade does its job!

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