October 8, 2010

Our next steps...

...or I should say The Demon's next steps.  We had a GI appointment today.  We discussed the options.

Option 1:  Repeat upper and lower scopes then surgery.

Option 2:  Test for a virus (I can't remember specifics) then Remicade.

Option 3:  Methotrexate.

I flat out asked Dr. F what would he do if The Demon were his son.  He said without a doubt, Remicade.  That made our decision a little easier.  We (his dad and I) had already decided on Remicade.  So.. the next step is a sigmoidoscopy to check for the virus.  A sigmoidoscopy is, supposedly a quick biopsy requiring missing a day of school & light sedation.  No biggie.  Then after the insurance approval, we start Remicade infusions.  The Remicade is given intravenously over a period of 4-6 hours.  It's given at week 0.  Then in 2 weeks.  Then (I think) week 6.  Then it's given every 8 weeks after.

We also have to schedule a consultation with the pediatric surgeons to be fully educated on the surgery that will, eventually, be needed.

I think I am OK with this decision.  I'm still not 100% certain that this is the right choice... but I think I need to believe it's so.

I need to believe it's the right decision... for him.


  1. Although it is a hard decision, you made the best decision you could based on medical advice and a lot of consideration. You can feel good that you are doing what you believe is right for Kane.

  2. Sounds like you are doing a great job with him! The doc gave you great advice..I just hope this helps him!
