October 22, 2010

Mark your dates...May!

We met with the earlier today to discuss the surgical option to treat his Ulcerative Colitis.

With UC, it's really not a matter of if he will have to have his colon removed..but when.  The chance of  colorectal cancer shoots up significantly for him the longer he has his colon (even more so since my grandpa had colon cancer).  The rule of thumb is 10 years.  Well, his issue is that he is now steroid dependent.  (He can't come off the steroid without his UC symptoms returning.)   We hope to start the Remicade within the next week or so, but we know that is not a guaranteed fix.

The surgery is a 2 step process.  He will have a temporary bag for anywhere from 6-12 weeks.  (8 weeks being normal)  After that he will be "reconnected" and should function normally.  He is completely OK with the surgery.  He sees the light at the end of the tunnel.  No more meds!  No more colitis!

We have to hope and pray the Remicade will buy us some time.  Time for him to get through this school year.  I want to be able to schedule his surgery for the end of May.  He should be able to, then, be reconnected before school starts back up.  Hopefully, he can start 7th grade healthy!  I asked him "Would you be OK with surgery being tomorrow?"  He said "Yep!" 

Selfishly, I am so stressed out.  Not about the surgery but about the fact that I will have to be around my ex's family.  How lame am I???  I can't even stomach the THOUGHT of having to sit in the same hospital room with his wife, their daughter and her family.  Of course, there will never be any scene.  Of course, I will eat the anger and rage that I will feel.  Of course, I won't "ban" them from visiting him in the hospital.  Of course, I will be eating tums and downing pepto to ease the inevitable stomach pain (ulcer) that I will be experiencing.  And...hopefully I will have the intense support of my wonderful friends.  They are amazing women.

I'm so glad we had this consultation.  I feel a lot better about everything and I know the Demon does too.

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